Partitioning methods in cluster analysis in data mining

Partitioning methods in cluster analysis in data mining 

Partitioning methods are a family of clustering algorithms used in cluster analysis for dividing data points into a predefined number of non-overlapping clusters. These methods aim to optimize a clustering criterion to ensure that data points within each cluster are more similar to each other than to those in other clusters. Here are some popular partitioning methods in data mining:

K-Means Clustering:

K-Means is one of the most well-known partitioning methods. It partitions the data into 'K' clusters, where 'K' is a user-specified parameter. The algorithm starts by randomly initializing 'K' cluster centers (centroids) in the data space. It then iteratively assigns each data point to the nearest centroid and recalculates the centroids based on the newly formed clusters. The process continues until convergence, where the centroids remain unchanged or the maximum number of iterations is reached.

K-Medoids Clustering:

K-Medoids is similar to K-Means but use data points themselves as representatives of cluster centers (medoids) instead of calculating the mean. This makes K-Medoids more robust to outliers, as the medoids are actual data points rather than mean values. K-Medoids are commonly used when the mean may not be a representative measure of the cluster center.

K-Means++ Initialization:

K-Means++ is an extension of the K-Means algorithm that improves the initial centroid selection. Instead of random initialization, K-Means++ employs a more sophisticated method to initialize the centroids, ensuring better convergence and reduced sensitivity to the initial placement of centroids.

Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) Clustering:

As mentioned earlier, Fuzzy C-Means is a partitioning method that allows data points to belong to multiple clusters with varying degrees of membership. It assigns each data point a membership value for each cluster, indicating the degree of belongingness. FCM is suitable when data points have overlapping characteristics and need a soft assignment to clusters. Learn more about Data Science Course in Chennai

Gustafson-Kessel Clustering:

Gustafson-Kessel Clustering is a variant of K-Means that considers cluster shapes and sizes by using the covariance matrices of clusters. It calculates an ellipsoidal representation for each cluster, which allows it to handle data with varying cluster shapes.

Gath-Geva Clustering:

Gath-Geva Clustering is a fuzzy clustering method that extends FCM to incorporate weights based on the distance to the cluster centroid. This method assigns weights to data points based on their distance from the cluster center, giving more importance to data points closer to the centroid during cluster assignment.

Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM):

Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) is a refinement of the K-Medoids clustering algorithm. It seeks to find the best representative data points (medoids) as cluster centers by minimizing the total dissimilarity between data points and their closest medoids. PAM iteratively replaces each centroid with a non-centroid data point and calculates the total dissimilarity. If the total dissimilarity decreases, the replacement is accepted, and the process continues until no improvement is possible. PAM is more computationally intensive than K-Means, but it can yield better clusterings, especially in the presence of outliers.

Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering Using Hierarchies (BIRCH):

BIRCH is a hierarchical clustering method that is also considered a partitioning method. It is designed to handle large datasets efficiently and incrementally. BIRCH builds a tree-like data structure called the CF tree, where data points are grouped into subclusters at different levels of granularity. This structure allows for quick retrieval of clusters without reprocessing the entire dataset. BIRCH is particularly useful for streaming data and data with a large number of data points.

CLARINS (Clustering Large Applications based on RANdomized Search):

CLARANS is a clustering algorithm that uses a randomized search approach to find the optimal medoids in large datasets. It employs a swapping procedure, where it randomly selects two medoids and evaluates the clustering cost after swapping them. The swap is accepted if it leads to a reduction in the clustering cost. CLARANS continues this swapping process iteratively to find good medoid selections efficiently.

CLARA (Clustering Large Applications):

CLARA is a sampling-based method used to deal with large datasets that cannot be processed entirely. It repeatedly samples a small subset of the data, performs K-Medoids clustering on the sample, and then evaluates the clustering cost. This process is repeated multiple times, and the best clustering among the samples is selected as the final result. CLARA provides a more robust and efficient solution for large datasets compared to K-Medoids.

Applications of Partitioning Methods:

Image Segmentation: Partitioning methods are commonly used for image segmentation, where they group pixels with similar characteristics to identify objects or regions within images.

Marketing and Customer Segmentation: Partitioning methods are used to segment customers based on demographic, behavioral, or purchasing patterns, enabling targeted marketing strategies.

Clustering Web Documents: Partitioning methods help organize and group web documents into categories based on their content, assisting in search engine optimization and information retrieval.

Bioinformatics: Partitioning methods are applied to cluster genes, proteins, or DNA sequences with similar functions, supporting genetic research and disease classification.

Pattern Recognition: Partitioning methods aid in pattern recognition tasks, such as handwriting recognition or speech processing, by grouping similar patterns together.

Geographic Clustering: Partitioning methods can be used to cluster geographical data points, such as cities or geographical regions, based on their characteristics or proximity.


Partitioning methods play a vital role in cluster analysis by efficiently dividing data points into non-overlapping clusters. These methods are versatile and have applications in various domains, including image segmentation, customer segmentation, bioinformatics, and pattern recognition. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each partitioning method, data analysts and researchers can choose the most suitable technique for their specific clustering objectives and datasets.

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